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Digital Controlled Oscillators (DCO) in Matrix-6 are considered to be true analog. But rather than maintain stability for 12 oscillators, two for each of the six voices it only has 3 analog oscillators in total, all with digital fine tuning from U713 (MP7621 12-bit dac) / U705(4051 mux) and U738, 739, U740 (TL068 voltage follower). Rather than thinking of them as audio oscillators they are more like high speed clock sources.
Digital control continues with these three clocks going to four pre-scale dividers U732,U733,U736,U737 (SN74LS161) where it generate 4 programmable clock signals.
Pre-scalers then feeds four programmable interval timers U727,U728,U729,U730 (82C54). From here the synth now has 12 pitch signals (clocks) grouped as CLKA1-6 and CLKB1-6 feeding the two waveform converter inputs on each of the six Curtis CEM3396.
Speculating here, but the odd numbers of clock oscillators, pre-scale chips and uneven seeding of 8254 are probably to do with workarounds to accomplish timely updating of pitch data combined with low parts count.
The real power of the Matrix synth series where its routing matrix. Matrix-6 has 18 predefined modulation routings plus 10 slots to configure any combination from 20 sourches to 32 destinations.
A quick analyze reveals that all sources and destination nodes are already in the digital domain. Most of this modulation matrix then seems to exist in software.
32C20 should give somethining like 225 792 840 unique routing combinations. That's a quantum leap from any number of predefined modulation routings found in other synthesizers in 1986.
MATRIX MODULATION ------------------------- SOURCES ------------------------- 00 DELETE MODULATION 01 ENVELOPE 1 02 ENVELOPE 2 03 ENVELOPE 3 04 LFO 1 05 LFO 2 06 VIBRATO 07 RAMP 1 08 RAMP 2 09 KEYBOARD 10 PORTAMENTO 11 TRACKING GENERATOR 12 KEYBOARD GATE 13 VELOCITY 14 RELEASE VELOCITY 15 PRESSURE 16 PEDAL 1 17 PEDAL 2 18 LEVER 1 19 LEVER 2 20 LEVER 3 = LEVER 2 REVERSE ------------------------- DESTINATIONS ------------------------- 00 DELETE MODULATION 01 DCO 1 FREQUENCY 02 DCO 1 PULSE WIDTH 03 D00 1 WAVE SHAPE 04 D00 2 FREQUENCY 05 DCO 2 PULSE WIDTH 06 DCO 2 WAVE SHAPE 07 DC0 1 - DCO 2 MIX 08 VCF FM BY DC0 1 09 VCF FREQUENCY 10 VCF RESONANCE 11 VGA 1 VOLUME 12 VGA 2 VOLUME 13 ENV 1 DELAY 14 ENV 1 ATTACK 15 ENV 1 DECAY 16 ENV 1 RELEASE 17 ENV 1 AMPLITUDE 18 ENV 2 DELAY 19 ENV 2 ATTACK 20 ENV 2 DECAY 21 ENV 2 RELEASE 22 ENV 2 AMPLITUDE 23 ENV 3 DELAY 24 ENV 3 ATTACK 25 ENV 3 DECAY 26 ENV 3 RELEASE 27 ENV 3 AMPLITUDE 28 LFO 1 SPEED 29 LFO 1 AMPLITUDE 30 LFO 2 SPEED 31 LFO 2 AMPLITUDE 32 PORTAMENTO RATE PATCH EDIT ------------------------- DCO 1-2 ------------------------- 00-10 FREQUENCY 01-11 FREO MOD BY LF01 02-12 SYNC 03-13 PULSE WIDTH 04-14 PW MOD BY LFO2 05-15 WAVE SHAPE 06-16 WAVE SHAPE 07-17 LEVERS 08-18 KEYBOARD/PORTAMENTO 09-19 KEY CLICK ------------------------- VCF/VCA ------------------------- 20 BALANCE 21 FREQUENCY 22 FREO MOD BY ENV1 23 FREO MOD BY PRESSURE 24 RESONANCE 25 LEVERS 26 KEYBOARD/PORTAMENTO 27 VCA 1 VOLUME 28 VCA 1 MOD BY VELOCITY 29 VCA 2 MOD BY ENV2 ------------------------- FM/TRACK ------------------------- 30 VCF FM AMOUNT 31 FM MOD BY ENV3 32 FM MOD BY PRESSURE 33 TRACK INPUT 34 TRACK POINT 1 35 TRACK POINT 2 36 TRACK POINT 3 37 TRACK POINT 4 38 TRACK POINT 5 ------------------------- RAMP/PORTAMENTO ------------------------- 40 RAMP 1 RATE 41 RAMP 1 TRIGGER 42 RAMP 2 RATE 43 RAMP 2 TRIGGER 44 PORTAMENTO RATE 45 PORT MOD BY VELOCITY 46 PORTAMENTO MODE 47 LEGATO PORTAMENTO 48 KEYBOARD MODE ------------------------- ENV 1-2-3 ------------------------- 50-60-70 DELAY 51-61-71 ATTACK 52-62-72 DECAY 53-63-73 SUSTAIN 54-64-74 RELEASE 55-65-75 AMPLITUDE 56-66-76 AMP MODE VELOCITY 57-67-77 TRIGGER MODE 58-68-78 ENVELOPE MODE 59-69-79 LFO 1 TRIGGER ------------------------- LFO 1 ------------------------- 80 SPEED 81 SPEED MOD BY PRESSURE 82 WAVEFORM 83 RETRIGGER POINT 84 AMPLITUDE 85 AMP MODE BY RAMP 1 86 TRIGGER MODE 87 LAG 88 SAMPLE INPUT ------------------------- LFO 2 ------------------------- 80 SPEED 81 SPEED MOD BY KEYBOARD 82 WAVEFORM 83 RETRIGGER POINT 84 AMPLITUDE 85 AMP MODE BY RAMP 2 86 TRIGGER MODE 87 LAG 88 SAMPLE INPUT -/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\- MASTER EDIT ------------------------- MIDI ------------------------- 00 BASIC CHANNEL 01 OMNI MODE 02 CONTROLLERS 03 PATCH CHANGES 04 SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE 05 LOCAL CONTROL 06 PEDAL 1 SELECT 07 PEDAL 2 SELECT 08 LEVER 2 SELECT 09 LEVER 3 SELECT 10 SEND PATCH 11 SEND ALL 12 MIDI ECHO 13 SPILL OVER 14 ACTIVE SENSE 15 PATCH MAP 16 PATCH MAP EDIT ------------------------- CASSETTE ------------------------- 20 STORE ALL 21 CHECK ALL 22 LOAD ALL 23 SELECTIV LOAD ------------------------- VIBRATO ------------------------- 30 SPEED 31 WAVEFORM 32 AMPLITUDE 33 SPEED MOD SOURCE 34 SPEED MOD AMOUNT 35 AMP MOD SOURCE 36 AMP MOD AMOUNT ------------------------- MISC ------------------------- 50 EDIT RECALL 51 PATCH INITIALIZE 52 CALIBRATE 53 DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS 54 SOFTWARE VERSION 55 MASTER TUNE 56 STEREO OUTPUT 57 SWITCH QUICK ------------------------- SPLIT EDIT ------------------------- 0 LEFT UPPER LIMIT 1 LEFT TRANSPOSE 2 LEFT MIDI OUTPUT 3 RIGHT LOWER LIMIT 4 RIGHT TRANSPOSE 5 RIGHT MIDI OUTPUT 6 LEFT-RIGHT BALANCE 7 VOICE/ZONE SELECT
R. Grieb (Bob) has a new firmware with faster MIDI. You will also find info on the remote connector and how-to replace the screen with LCD/OLED.
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