Easy to use online Ohm's Law Calculator
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Gain Factor = (5.1V / 1.2V) = 4.25
Noise at new gain = 40μV×(sqrt((5.1V / 1.2V))) ≈ 82.4 μV
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C=I*t / ΔV where:
3 amp load, 50Hz mains and 0.5 volt of ripple then
C = 3A*0.01s / 0.5V = 60,000µF
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It might be more useful to input required current and capacitor value and see what ripple voltage comes out from this.
V_PSRR = 3I * 0.01t / (33000μF / 1000000))
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Vout = VRin / (10^(PSRR/20))
If datasheet say 53dB and ripple voltage is 0.1V then
Ripple Voltage = 0.1 / (10 ^ (53 / 20)) ≈ 0.000224V
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We can change this formula to also include the reservoir cap
µVT_PSRR = (((0.5I * 0.01t) / (20000μF / 1000000)) / (10^(53dB/20))) * 1000000 ≈ 600µV
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These examples uses 6.3V nominal voltage.
Vdc = (2*6.3)/3.14159265359 = 4.01 V
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Vrms = 6.3*(sqrt(2)) ≈ 8.91 V
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Ripple faktor = Vr = Vpeak/Vdc = 6.3 / 4 = 1.575 V
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Re = Rp / (Tr)² where
15 / ((240/5) ^ 2) = 0.0065Ω
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Total series resistance of the transformer = Secondary resistance + above calculation Source: https://sound-au.com/power-supplies.htm
dBV = 20*log((1Vref*1000000000)/12.78nV) ≈ 157.9dBV
One can change the value of Vref to PSU output voltage to get dB with reference to actual implementation. This is not the same as dBV though.
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Simplified voltage to dBV could look like this where all numbers are in V.
20*log(1/0.00000001278) ≈ 157.9dBV
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