Neve vintage panel colors

These screen colors are only proximation of the real thing

This information originate from Aurora Audio Neve FAQ / Ask Geoff Tanner

Colors used on vintage Neve panels are from the British Standards for colors BS381

BS381C 633 - RAF Blue/Grey

Pre 1975, silk screening text usually in capital letters

non official RGB approximate #424c53 (66,76,83)

non official CMYK approximate derived from RGB 7%, 3%, 0%, 67%

BS381C 640 - Extra Dark Sea Grey

After 1975, silk screening text usually in lover case letters

non official RGB approximate #566164 (86,97,100)

non official CMYK approximate derived from RGB 5%, 1%, 0%, 61%

Possible RAL equivalents

RAL 7016 - Anthracite grey

non official RGB approximate #373F43

RAL 7015 - Slate grey

non official RGB approximate #51565C


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