ÿþMEMORY DUMP/LOAD The memory of the SDS 7 can be externally expanded by dumping programs onto a RAM pack (optional extra). The internal memory can be divided into two sections for this purpose giving the choice of loading or dumping in the Low section (kits 1 - 39) or the High (kits 40 - 79). The dumping procedure is as follows: Insert the Memory Pack into the socket on the rear panel of the SDS 7 switch the protect switch or the memory pack to 'unsafe' and press buttons D,U,M,P in sequence. You then have the option of dumping "HI or LO" by pushing either button 1 or 13 (with lights flashing) The visual message AC indicated a successful operation. You will then have a copy of either kit No.s 1 - 39. (If you dumped lo) or 40 - 879 (if you dumped hi) stored in the memory pack. Switch the protect switch to 'safe' and remove the memory pack. NOTE: You should leave the memory pack inserted in the SDS 7 (with the SDS 7 switched on) occasionally (1 a month) for a period of a few houri, to charge the memory packs' batteries. The procedure for loading is the same but buttons L,O,A,D are used instead. Should the message CF appear the transfer of memory has failed and should be repeated.